How change package name with help Bitrise?

There are many solutions, from the top of my head, if you have access to the repository:

  1. Locate the file the package id/name (or any info you’re looking for to change) is stored in
  2. Get its relative path, relative to the repository root, e.g. ./sub/dir/file.ext
  3. On bitrise, using the Script step, either modify the file (e.g. with sed or similar) OR overwrite the file

E.g. if you have write access to the repository, copy the file ./sub/dir/file.ext to ./sub/dir/modified-file.ext, and of course modify anything in it what you want to; then you can during the build simply replace that file with a Script step:

set -ex

cp "./sub/dir/modified-file.ext" "./sub/dir/file.ext"

This will replace ./sub/dir/file.ext with the ./sub/dir/modified-file.ext. Do this right after the Git Clone step.

There are of course other solutions like:

  1. Using the Generic File Storage to store the modified file (
  2. Instead of replacing the file with another one in the Script you could modify the file with grep, awk, sed, …
  3. Use a Step like Change value in file or Generate Text File (community created steps)

And probably at least a dozen other solutions - which one is best for you depends on your project and workflow, how you want to maintain this configuration :slight_smile: