Expose Pull Request comments as environment variables - similar to the git infos

Hi @frankpiva,

Thanks for the Feature Requests! :wink:

Right now that’s the best solution.
If you have the time feel free to create a Step for it - you can now use the new

bitrise :step create

step generator, which is built into the latest Bitrise CLI (1.6.1 - Monthly release of Bitrise CLI tools and summary of updates (May, 2017) - CLI v1.6.1).

Indeed only commit/git infos are exposed. That’s because comments on PRs are 1) GitHub API specific (won’t work with another git service, have to be implemented for each, separately) and 2) comments are not attached to the state of the repository. E.g. it might be that the build is already started but someone adds a new comment to the PR.