Create NativeScript box

Similar to the request for a React Native box, having an image for NativeScript would be useful.

OSX System Requirements

For iOS development

  • Latest Xcode
  • Command-line tools for Xcode
  • xcodeproj ruby gem
  • CocoaPods
  • (Optional) xcproj command line tool

For Android development

  • JDK 8 or a later stable official release
  • Android SDK 22 or a later stable official release
  • Local Maven repository for Support Libraries
  • Android SDK Build-tools 25.0.2 or a later stable official release

You must also have the following two environment variables setup for Android development:


Thanks for the feature request @e-schultz!

The things you listed here are available on the Xamarin stacks.
Is there anything missing from the Xamarin stacks which you think is required for NativeScript projects?

(current system report of the Xamarin Stable stack: )

For some reason I thought the Xamarin stack was missing some of the android dependencies that I needed, guess I was wrong - switched my image over to Xamarin Stable and was able to remove a few steps from my build for setting up the right version of the Android SDK.

Thanks for pointing this out.


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Awesome to hear @e-schultz, thanks for the infos! :wink:

I’ll still leave this #feature-request open, to see if we’d have to create a separate stack, mainly for update schedules. The Xamarin stacks are updated when either there’s a new Xcode (stable) version, or when Xamarin is updated, no other preinstalled tool update affects the update schedule.

From what you described in the request I think it should be safe to use the Xamarin stack for NativeScript, but feel free to report any preinstalled tool version related issues here. If required we’d definitely be open to create a separate stack (but only if it’s required, as every new stack has its maintenance cost / requires additional maintenance time for tracking and applying updates etc.).