Bitrise build works locally, but failed on at random unit tests each time

Hi @JeromeCHA,

Thanks for reporting!
Checked the logs but unfortunately without the code it’s hard to say what the issue might be; I’d say it’s most likely something in your code, e.g. network requests with too low timeout or something similar.

In general I’d suggest you to check this guide How to debug your build locally / “It works on my Mac/PC but not on” - specifically the Additional notes for iOS projects section (e.g. “Make sure that you run the tests in the same simulator as the one runs.” and “please make sure to reset the iOS Simulator”).

If that wouldn’t help probably the easiest way is if you could Screen Share / Remote Desktop into the build VM and run the tests there, and see/debug what the issue might be. Note, please do Reset the Simulator there too if you run more than one test, as that’s how standard builds work; every build runs in a completely clean VM, and the VM is destroyed at the end of the build, so e.g. the iOS Simulator is always clean.

Guide for how you can connect to the MacOS Build VMs:

Please let us know how it goes or if you’d have any questions! :slight_smile: