Bitrise build fails in install-missing-android-tools@2.3.4 step

You can change step version in workflow editor:

You can enable it in app settings tab:

Nowadays in most cases this step is not needed.
Android Gradle Plugin 2.2.0 (released in September 2016) or newer installs missing SDK components automatically.
If you don’t need other version of NDK than current one provided by stack then NDK installation feature from that step is also useless for you.
Third feature provided by this step is accepting Android SDK licenses. Licenses are accepted weekly at the time of deploying new version of the stack, so virtually there is nothing more to accept during build. However if Google changes some license surprisingly then without this step your build will be failing until Bitrise team (hot)fixes the stack. IIRC that happened one time in the history.

Regardless of your case, it looks like a bug in step which should be fixed.